The quick 5 minute top knot tutorial that everyone can do! Yes Mom’s you too!

The quick 5 minute top knot tutorial that everyone can do! Yes Mom’s you too!

The quick 5 minute top knot tutorial that everyone can do! Yes Mom’s you too!

Some of you may already know I have an unhealthy obsession with hair!  I LOVE hair! From color, to updos, to styling- you name it I love it!   I love coming up with different and fun ways of styling my hair.  Back in the day, before kids, I had a lot more time to style my locks!Now, I barely can brush my hair without one of the kiddos screaming or pulling at my leg for something (am I right moms😊) So half the time it is a dry shampoo , messy bun kind of day, until I become top-knot obsessed!

But here is the secret moms, we are ALLOWED to look good!  Yes- you heard me right! You may be thinking, I don’t have the time or the talent.  Guess what?!  You don’t need to.  Just follow these simple steps and you can achieve a fun and quick look within minutes.  This works on just freshly washed hair or day old or two hair as well.

Products I use:

Amika Dry Shampoo ( if have day old or two hair)

ColorProof Evolved Color Care Powderfix Texturizing Powder

Oribe Dry Texturizing Spray


  1. Section hair at the crown by taking as big or as little of chunk of your hair. As you lift the hair underneath, sprinkle ColorProof Powder Fix at the roots and gently massage with fingertips.  Take your teezer comb ( I like using the Standard Three Row Denman comb) and teeze at the roots
  2. After teezing twist the section of hair at your roots to the end until it makes a spiral look
  3. Hold one finger in place and bring the hair around your finger forming a ball/knot.
  4. Use bobbypins to secure hair in place
  5. After securing take your fingers and start to form hair into the knot. ( Key:  it doesn’t have to be perfect!  Whole point is to have a “messy look” and have fun with the shape


The quick 5 minute top knot tutorial that everyone can do! Yes Mom’s you too!

The quick 5 minute top knot tutorial that everyone can do! Yes Mom’s you too!

Have questions? Ask away in the comment section below!

More fun and easy hair tutorials coming soon!


Disclaimer: This is all my personal recommendations.  Products listed may contain affiliate links.

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