About Me

My name is Danielle and I hail from Chicago. I am thrilled to be able to share what I love most with you. I hope what I share with you, will have you eager to learn more!  I am sure you are wondering who I am and how I got to where I am today!

I have always been the creative type full of ideas.  I am the blogging muse behind Always Rosy, a lifestyle blog. I enjoy bringing my passions and interests into each of your lives. Growing up, I would spend hours upon hours as a child drawing, sketching (I think I may have some of my original sketches in those flip books we got at school.. remember those?!) looking for ways to learn and find new ways of highlighting my interests ! And well it just kind of stuck with me…

Believe it or not I was a bit of a tomboy growing up, always loved to fix things with my dad and thought it was the best! And I know being that tomboy has made me the strong, independent woman I am today!  It gave me the courage to not be afraid what others would think and to just go with what my heart and mind was telling me. Seeing and being inspiried by the world around me is what has really helped me get to the root of my passions and translate into where I am today.

I have always had a knack for all things beauty and being a mommy!  I hope what I write about inspires you!  You will find more about style, motherhood, fitness/health, life in general, quick tips and of course my love for vino!


Aside from my blog, I have a background in marketing and advertising within the professional beauty industry.  I also am a Real Estate Broker as this is another one of my passions.  I enjoy  helping others find the perfect home!  When I am not blogging, you will find me spending time with my family, looking for the next DIY project and looking for ways to mentally and personally grow!


I am surrounded by my husband and three boys who love me and who support me in all my endeavors, including my fur baby.😊  They are our kids too, right?!  I have so much to share with the you through my past and current life lessons and inspirations.   If you believe in something- just go for it! If you don’t, then when?  Listen to those voices, they are usually right!

The three stooges

To me helping others and becoming that vehicle of inspiration is my motivation for sharing Always Rosy with you.  Even though times can be tough, you have to think of all the greatness you can be, all the good you bring and well, aiming to always see the “Rosy” side to things! Hoping that you too will be inspired and gain new knowledge and ways of “treating”  yourself! 


XO- Danielle