10 Ways to “Survive” the Toddler Stage- the Mom Way!


10 ways to "survive" the toddler stage- the Mom way!

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Lashes long, coffee strong is my motto these past few months… No one prepares you for what is to come raising the terrible toddler stage.  Who knew I could ruin someones day because I chose the wrong cup or bowl color!! Forget trying to get them dressed- it is like wrestling a pig! When I say to him get dressed, his interpretation is to stand around naked with one sock on and a truck in his hand watching Disney Jr.  Insert big sigh of I give up!

As I sit here writing this, I hear mom, mom, mom, mom ( repetitive language is like nails on a chalkboard for me) meanwhile, having the baby cry as I am not feeding him fast enough! Boys- they never stop eating!  Multi-tasking at its finest! No wonder women have kids- we have the patience to handle all of this 😉   Sometimes I feel like I need 8 arms! I heard someone say once what it is like having a toddler -it is like trying to stand in a hammock while not spilling your wine! I better not spill my wine!

Life definitely gets messy but those messes create memories that will be imprinted in you forever.  Besides, pictures like above ,I have saved to use as leverage later:)  Have to embarrass our kids in their teenage years, right?! I am looking forward to coming into their room when they are teenagers at 4:30AM on a Saturday and say my sock came off or “Can I have some more water!”:)

I am still a newbie when it comes to the toddler stage but I feel that I have learned how to still “function” and have fun and embrace it!

  1. Don’t get hung up on messes.  Before kids, our homes were most likely toy tornado zone free, there were no finger prints on windows, no stamps or marker drawings on the walls, no trail of food crumbs left on the floor.  If there is a ton of food you can always invest in  a Neato Vacuum ( literally my lifesaver)
  2. Have wine on auto ship. Having a glass of wine can help bring down stress and anxiety levels and help you chill out after the kids go to bed!  Not saying drink the whole bottle ( well… jk!) but definitely try to unwind at the end of the day.  De-stressing our mind and body is very important so we can feel energized the next day!
  3. Invest in a good set of ear plugs.  Totally kidding! Sounds tempting though, right?!
  4. Counting does not work! As much as we want it to, this doesn’t work at this stage.  If anything, my son has learned to count to 5 because he is probably thinking “oh, mom is just randomly counting so I guess I should too!” So be the educator- at least it is sticking and he is learning:)
  5. Be positive and know yelling does not work.  Kids at this stage don’t understand emotions and often don’t understand WHY they are crying.  It is very important to not be quick to yell or reprimand, be stern, but try to talk with them if you can and show compassion by saying “I know this may make you upset, but we have to talk thru our frustrations a different way other than hitting or throwing” If all else fails, candy seems to help:)  I know this may contradict the behavior but honestly, moms at the end of the day if we are exhausted and just need so damn peace and quiet give the kid a treat!  You will thank me later!
  6. Hide a stash of dark chocolate in the house.  I never understood those Milano cookie commercials back then.  Now I know why!!! Thanks to chocolate I have struggled to lose these last 15 pounds of baby weight!!! Damn you- why do you have to taste so good!
  7. Workout.. I know, I know… I am sure I am getting a lot of eye rolls or ha, ya right, I don’t have the time.  But, in all sincerity make the time.  I am guilty of it as well.  I have been in out of physical therapy, getting rounds of epidural steroid injections in my back do to a degenerative issue and believe me it is very hard to muster up the energy to go.  Not to mention, I haven’t slept more than 5 hours a night for the past year.  So i get it, it is hard.  But, moms we have to make time for ourselves to maintain our sanity.  Even if its 30 minutes to go to the gym or there are so many types of fitness activity we can do at home ( stay tuned- I will posting some at home exercises we can do at home with the kids).  Exercise will give you more energy.  I know that after I workout I feel so much better and feel I can tackle the rest of my day now. I also recommend to always workout in the morning hours to get your body awake and going!
  8. It is OK if your children cry.  Crying is a form of expression.  Children 10/10 do not like what we have to say and will throw a fit.  That is OK!  Yes, sometimes I can’t stand listening to it ( insert ear plugs;)) Toddlers need boundaries and those boundaries need to be consistent.  We are setting a great foundation of what types of behaviors are appropriate.  Not saying don’t console your toddler but don’t feel guilty if they are crying.  Let those tears flow!
  9. Toddlers need lots of hugs and snuggles.  This age they are watching everything we do.Put down the phone, turn the TV off, and spend that 10-15 minutes of extra one-on-one time at different points of the day.  I have days where I am glued to my phone/work and I tend to notice that my kids may act out more on those days because they crave the attention.  This may not be the in case your household but I know it is in mine.  Put your work down, put your phone down and hug your toddler multiple times thru-out the day.  Even say “I love you” when they are misbehaving and not listening.  Your toddler may very well be acting out because they feel they are not getting enough from you that day!
  10. Take time for yourself.  if all else fails…order a bunch of takeout, grab your favorite beverage and veg out the rest of the day!

Comment below with what your top tips are with “Surviving” toddlers!


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